Do You Know When to Call for AC Repairs?
Well, yeah. I call to have my air conditioner repaired when it stops working. Not really a tough question, if you ask me?
Well, not so fast there! Yes, you obviously need to call to have your air conditioner repaired when you discover that it’s no longer operational, either failing to cycle on at all or to blow cool air. Ideally, however, you’ll be calling for air conditioning repairs before your air conditioner ever has a chance to get to that point. As a general rule, remember that you want to schedule any HVAC services in Wake Forest the moment that you suspect there is a problem.
Remember that there are plenty of air conditioning issues that you may encounter which fall short of causing the AC system to break down entirely. Just because your system is up and running, however, does not mean that it is up and running properly. So reach out to us if you have any concerns about your system.
Is Your Air Conditioner Blowing Warm Air?
Okay, this may sound like a pretty obvious instance in which a homeowner would schedule AC repair services. Trust us on this one, though—”obvious” problems are frequently overlooked until they become irrefutable problems. Homeowners can sometimes sell themselves on an excuse for their systems’ shortcomings. We’ve heard them all.
Well, it was warm, not hot!
It was still cooler inside than out!
And the old standby: I was getting to it!
In reality, an AC blowing warm air could have anything from a refrigerant leak to damaged ductwork to problems communicating with its thermostat. If the air coming from your system is insufficiently cooled, let us know immediately.
Is Your AC Running in Short Bursts?
This is actually a great example of how problems of varying severity can manifest similar symptoms. This condition is called short cycling, and it’s a major problem that can result in higher energy costs, excessive wear and tear on the system, and unsatisfying performance quality.
It can also be the result of a dirty air filter.
Or, you could have a refrigerant leak that, if left untreated, can damage your system beyond repair. If you ask us, this is a pretty clear cut instance of where you should choose to be safe over being sorry. Contact us to have the situation evaluated.
Are You Hearing Strange Sounds?
Your air conditioner won’t operate completely silently, but there’s a big difference between normal operating sounds and a system that sounds like it’s about to launch itself into space. Remember, “strange” sounds don’t necessarily have to be “new” sounds, either. They can be regular operating sounds happening at a much louder level than is normal.
Ultimately, the best advice that we can give you is to take any abnormalities with system performance seriously. If there’s not an obvious solution, like changing a filthy air filter, call in the pros right away. You’ll save money and a serious headache down the road.
Contact Raleigh Heating & Air for all of your AC service needs.