Types of Geothermal Piping
With a geothermal heating and cooling system you can heat and cool your Raleigh home with greater efficiency than ever before. Whether you want to reduce your energy costs or are looking for a more environmentally friendly way to keep your home comfortable, a geothermal heating and cooling system may be the answer. By utilizing a heat pump, geothermal systems are able to transfer existing heat into or out of your home using just a small amount of electricity. Do this, though, a geothermal loop system must be installed. The type of loop system used in your home will depend on a number of factors. Call Raleigh Heating & Air for more information about the different types of geothermal loop systems.
The most popular and common type of geothermal loop systems is a horizontal closed loop system. Trenches are dug on your property and a system of pipes is buried in the trenches. These pipes circulate and antifreeze solution throughout the system, allowing it to absorb the heat necessary to keep your home comfortable. Not all homes and properties can accommodate this type of system, though. If you do not have the necessary amount of space for a horizontal installation, a vertical installation may be your best option.
A vertical installation requires geothermal drilling, which makes it a little more expensive. Pipes are buried vertically into the deep holes that are drilled. This requires much less space than a horizontal loop system, though, and is particularly popular in commercial settings. Our professional team will help determine if a vertical installation is necessary on your property.
If there is an adequate water supply on your property an open loop system may be installed. In this type of system water itself is used as the heat transfer fluid. Once it has done its job it simply empties back into the water source. This is a very affordable loop system option, but your water supply must meet a variety of requirements.
For more information about geothermal loop systems in Raleigh call Raleigh Heating & Air. We’ll make sure that your geothermal heating and cooling system installation is a success. Contact us today with any questions you may have.