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Grading Your Air Conditioner This Year

Even though this year has seemed crazy to say the least, schools are still in the process of reopening, and grading season has begun. Report cards are necessary for making sure your kids do as well as they should in school, so why not use the same system for your air conditioner?


Grading air conditioners year after year is a great method to understand the condition of the system and see how well it’s fairing. If you’re starting to encounter troubles that give is a poor or unsatisfactory grade, then you might be nearing time to replace the system. AC maintenance in Raleigh, NC is also a great way to ensure that your air conditioner keeps up with its workload and receives a good grade year after year. Regardless of whether you need maintenance, repairs, or replacement, our team can be the one to help.

A: Perfect

If your air conditioner is doing well with no hitches, hiccups, repair needs, high energy bills, or anything of the like, then go ahead and give it an A! Honestly, many air conditioners deserve this type of grade when they’re just installed or put in a home that’s perfect for them. Make sure you retain this grade by scheduling maintenance for the system and getting it repaired when you run into any problems.

B: Almost Perfect

Perhaps your air conditioner ran smoothly with only one or two problems causing it to frustrate you. That’s not bad, and perhaps your air conditioner could make an A next year if you get it the help it needs. Don’t hesitate to call a professional and schedule maintenance to get the system tuned up and the minor issues addressed in one quick motion.

C: Satisfactory

So your air conditioner keeps your home cool but that’s about all it does. It might be running your energy bill a little too high to the point where some nights you decide to live without it, or it might be making some strange noises here and there. If your air conditioner is aging beyond 15 years then we understand and you might want to look into replacing it. However, if it’s a younger AC, then we urge you to call us for repairs.

D: Unsatisfactory

An air conditioner can sometimes reach a level where it’s really unsatisfactory. If it’s barely cooling you half of the time, running your energy bills through the roof, or suffering from reoccurring breakdowns, then you might as well start looking into replacement services. Don’t panic—just call us and we can talk about your options and if there is any hope for getting your AC a better grade by next summer.

F: Breakdown

When you turn your air conditioner on—nothing happens. This is typical for an AC that’s either reached its age limit or has broken down entirely due to a reoccurring problem or something else. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence and something all too many homeowners are familiar with. Don’t worry, a replacement can be simple, affordable, and painless. Just call us.

The team at Raleigh Heating & Air can improve the grade of your AC. Call us today!

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